




通常而言,航空公司执飞 A 国和 B 国之间的航班,是需要同时向 A 国和 B 国申请的。只有 A 国和 B 国分别给出批准,航班才能够飞起来。


第一个方法是「本国航司绝对权利」。换言之,一般而言,只要这家航空公司符合执飞国际线的一般要求,A 国航司执飞 A 国往 B 国的航班,在 A 国一侧是无需特别提出申请的。

因此,此时只需要向 B 国申请就可以了。具体而言,这属于第三(下客权)和第四(上客权)的范畴。

但是,A 国的公司向 B 国申请,B 国的公司向 A 国申请,也会产生很多交易成本。考虑到两边航司申请的航班总量大致相若,因此一般情况下,两国之间会在双边航班协议中,通过「指定空运企业」的形式简化申请手续。

所谓「指定空运企业」,就是指 A 国和 B 国互相委托对方在约定总量范围内审批航权。获得 A 国(或者 B 国)「指定」的航空公司,原则上无需 B 国(或者 A 国再次批准)。

在这样的安排下,A 国航司想开行 A、B 之间的航班,原则上只用向 A 国主管机关申报自己的飞行班表。A 国主管机关在总量范围内批准后,该航司即成为「指定空运企业」,可以飞行 A 和 B 之间的航线了。


中国可在其第一条航线和第二条航线上指定无限数量的空运企业经营协议航班. 根据本项新增的指定空运企业可自 2007 年 8 月 1 日起开始经营航班.……


我们可以看到的是,A 国主管机关「指定空运企业」的权限,来自于 A、B 双边协议下 B 国的授权(反之亦同)。因此,B 国拒绝允许 A 国「指定空运企业」在协议范围内执行航班(或者反之),或者要求「指定空运企业」进行额外的不合理手续,都无异于出尔反尔(因为「指定空运企业」本身是 B 国根据协议转授 A 国的权力),这必然会引发报复。

2020 年初的「五个一」政策正是如此——因为入境隔离能力不足,中国开始限制国际航班。限制国际航班的行为在美方看来构成了「对『指定空运企业』施加的不合理手续」,因此美方在 2020 年 5 月 22 日采取了相应的报复(即以 Order 2020-5-4 开头的载于 Docket DOT-OST-2020-0052 的一系列文件)。

在美国联邦法律中,Order 的等级相当于中国的部门规章。

Order 2020-5-4 (https://www.regulations.gov/document/DOT-OST-2020-0052-0001) 的开头总结部分这么写道:

By this Order, the U.S. Department of Transportation (the Department) is taking steps in response to the failure of the Government of the People’s Republic of China (China) to permit U.S. carriers to exercise the full extent of their bilateral right to conduct scheduled passenger air services to China. Specifically, in this Order, we are imposing Phase 1 schedule filing requirements under 14 CFR Part 213 of the Department’s regulations to cover all of the scheduled combination services of the captioned foreign air carriers operating to/from the United States.

当中提到了 14 CFR Part 213。这是什么东西呢?CFR 是《联邦规则汇编》(Code Federal Regulations)的缩写,前面的 14 代表第 14 部《Aeronautics and Space》,而 Part 213 则代表《Terms, Conditions and Limitations of Foreign Air Carrier Permits》。

Part 213.3《Filing and approval of schedules》中对与美国签订有双边航空协议的国家的外国航空公司有以下的规定:

(b) In the case of a foreign air carrier permit for scheduled air transportation which is not the subject of an air transport agreement between the United States and the government of the holder, the Department, if it finds that the public interest so requires,

may with or without hearing order the foreign air carrier to file with it within 7 days after service of such order, an original and three copies of any or all of its existing schedules of service between any point in the United States and any point outside thereof, and

may require such carrier thereafter to file an original and three copies of any proposed schedules of service between such points at least 30 days prior to the date of inauguration of such service.

Such schedules shall contain all schedules of aircraft which are or will be operated by such carrier between each pair of points set forth in the order, the type of equipment used or to be used, the time of arrival and departure at each point, the frequency of each schedule, and the effective date of any proposed schedule.

(c) In the case of any foreign air carrier permit for scheduled air transportation which is the subject of an air transport agreement between the United States and the government of the holder, the Department may with or without hearing issue an order, similar to that provided for in paragraph (b) of this section, if it makes the findings provided for in that subsection and, in addition, finds that the government or aeronautical authorities of the government of the holder, over the objections of the U.S. Government, have:

Taken action which impairs, limits, terminates, or denies operating rights, or

otherwise denied or failed to prevent the denial of, in whole or in part, the fair and equal opportunity to exercise the operating rights,

provided for in such air transport agreement, of any U.S. air carrier designated thereunder with respect to flight operations to, from, through, or over the territory of such foreign government.

我们可以看到的是,Order 2020-5-4 的法理基础是 213.3(c)——即与美国签订航空运输协议的外国政府影响、限制、终止或拒绝美国各「指定空运企业」的航权时,美国政府可以要求该外国的承运人提交其航班班次计划并对其进行审批。

在 5 月 22 日到 6 月 1 日期间,中国各空运企业陆续提交了自己的时刻表。根据 Part 213.3(d),但凡 30 天内没有接到来自 DoT 的命令,航空公司就可以按照提交的航班计划进行飞行。但是,如果「时刻表可能有悖法律或对公众利益带来不利影响」,DoT 就可以提出命令——而一旦提出命令,航空公司就不能再执行此类航班。

The carrier may continue to operate existing schedules, and may inaugurate operations under proposed schedules 30 days after the filing of such schedules with the Department, unless the Department with or without hearing issues an order, subject to stay or disapproval by the President of the United States within 10 days after adoption, notifying the carrier that such operations, or any part of them, may be contrary to applicable law or may adversely affect the public interest. If the notification pertains to a proposed schedule, service under such schedule shall not be inaugurated; if the notification pertains to existing schedules, service under such schedules shall be discontinued on the date specified in the Department’s order. Such date shall be not less than ten days after adoption of the Department’s order unless affirmative Presidential approval is obtained at an earlier date.

因此,6 月 3 日 DoT 提出 Order 2020-6-1《Notification and Order Disapproving Schedules》 (https://www.regulations.gov/document/DOT-OST-2020-0052-0014) ,直接否决了所有的时刻。

按照规定,凡是被拒绝了的航司,可以按照 Part 213.3(e) 提出个别申请。

No petitions for reconsideration may be filed with respect to Department orders issued pursuant to paragraph (b), (c), or (d) of this section. Nevertheless, if the Department serves a notification under paragraph (d) of this section, the carrier may make application to the Department for approval of any or all existing or proposed schedules, pursuant to the provisions of § 213.5. The Department may with or without hearing withdraw, in whole or in part, its notification at any time and may permit existing or proposed schedules to be operated for such period or periods as the Department may determine.

但是如果之前中美航线的所有中方承运人都提交申请的话,DoT 的办公室怕是要堆满了申请,工作量很大。于是 DoT 过两天以后(6 月 5 日),通过了一个原则性的命令——Order 2020-6-3 (https://www.regulations.gov/document/DOT-OST-2020-0052-0015) 。这个命令规定了一个原则——中方批美方多少班,美方批中方多少班。超过这个的,就不会被批准。


  • 2020 年 6 月 5 日 Order 2020-6-3 (https://www.regulations.gov/document/DOT-OST-2020-0052-0015) ——2 班;
  • 6 月 15 日 Order 2020-6-6 (https://www.regulations.gov/document/DOT-OST-2020-0052-0019) ——4 班;
  • 8 月 18 日 Order 2020-8-6 (https://www.regulations.gov/document/DOT-OST-2020-0052-0030) ——8 班;
  • 2021 年 8 月 18 日 Order 2021-8-10 (https://www.regulations.gov/document/DOT-OST-2020-0052-0052) ——熔断;
  • 2022 年 1 月 21 日 Order 2022-1-20 (https://www.regulations.gov/document/DOT-OST-2020-0052-0062) ——熔断;
  • 2022 年 8 月 25 日 Order 2022-8-29 (https://www.regulations.gov/document/DOT-OST-2020-0052-0091) ——熔断;
  • 2023 年 5 月 3 日 Order 2023-5-6 (https://www.regulations.gov/document/DOT-OST-2020-0052-0123) ——12 班;
  • 2023 年 8 月 11 日 Order 2023-8-10 (https://www.regulations.gov/document/DOT-OST-2020-0052-0134) ——18 班、24 班;
  • 2023 年 10 月 27 日 Order 2023-10-9 (https://www.regulations.gov/document/DOT-OST-2020-0052-0157) ——35 班;


因此,事实上审批中美航权的政府部门在中方——美方已经通过 2020-6-3 确立了原则。但是这里有一个问题。中方批准美方航空公司执行航班的前提,是美方航空公司向中方提出了复航的申请。如果美方航空公司不提交复航申请的话,中方就无从批准;而中方不批准的话,美方的原则就使得美方无法批准。这使得中美航线的恢复,和美方三家航空公司对中美航线的决策密切相关,事实上决策权在美方三家航空公司。





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